COVID Update: Reopening September 1st Limited Capacity

Greetings, friends and clients! I, and the MT team have missed you all so very much!! We appreciate all the support we have received from you during this trying time. COVID-19 is an unprecedented situation, and it has been difficult to know for sure what would be the safest decisions for the health and safety of our clients, and ourselves. Many of you have reached out in support of the decision to close Mindful Touch until more information was known about the virus, and it means so much. Many of you have purchased gift certificates to help us through this time and we are looking forward to honoring those. It is also clear that many of you have been missing your regular massages as part of your wellness or pain relief/management routine. For those of you who are ready to get back to your regular massages, I bring you good news.
Mindful Touch will reopen at a limited capacity on 9/1/20. At this time, we will only be offering massage services that are 60 minutes or less. We will not be offering spa enhancements and treatments until further notice. If you were on the schedule for March, April, or May, and your appointment had to be canceled, I will be contacting you over the next week to get you back on the schedule. Online booking will not be available until I have contacted those who were on the schedule when we closed. If you have a gift certificate, the expiration date will be extended for 5 months, to reflect the time we were closed.
While we have always adhered to a diligent cleaning protocol for our massage space, we are now implementing a highly stringent disinfection protocol in between each client. Please take a moment to visit our website and read about how the massage therapists at MT are working hard to keep us all as safe as possible during your massage sessions:
I, and the MT team, appreciate your understanding as we navigate giving massage therapy services in our new reality. Some things will be different about the operations at MT until further notice. Please take a moment to read over the new procedures for massage appointments while COVID-19 is present in our community:
- When you arrive, please come to the front door of the building and wait for your therapist to come outside to do a COVID screening. They will be watching for you and will conduct a temperature check and health screening before you enter the building.
- Leave all personal belongings in your car accept what you need to pay for your session. (This will keep possible contamination at a minimum)
- Please do not wear gloves to your session. They can become contaminated the same way your hands can, and if they are not washed or sanitized will carry germs.
- Please come alone. At this time, friends and family are not permitted to wait in the waiting areas.
- Please use the hand sanitizer provided to sanitize your hands upon entrance of the building. Hand sanitizer will also be inside of the treatment room for you to use before you exit the room.
- Client and therapist are required to wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth for the duration of the interaction. You must have a mask on before entering the building. If you have a health condition that prohibits you from wearing a mask, then you are contraindicated for massage at this time. We will have to reschedule you when the CDC is no longer recommending masks.
- You have been informed that masks are required and that it is non-negotiable. If you refuse to wear a mask upon arrival, you will be refused service and charged for the session as if it were a no-show.
- If you forget your mask, we may be able to accommodate you with one. We may have some disposable masks in limited supply for you to use. However, ultimately you are responsible for your mask and if we cannot accommodate you with a mask, you will be refused service and charged for the appointment.
- CDC suggests that talking can disperse respiratory droplets that spread COVID-19. For this reason, we ask that you please limit talking to communication about pressure, warmth, and comfort while in the enclosed space of the treatment room.
- Intra-oral and face massage are prohibited at this time.
- Should you develop symptoms of COVID-19, or test positive, within 2 weeks of your session, please let us know so we can self-quarantine and let others know who may have been exposed.
- If you are waiting for the results of a COVID-19 test, we will need to reschedule you appointment when you are sure you are negative for the virus.
- If you have recently had COVID-19, the CDC recommends the following before returning to normal activities:
- * 10 days since symptoms first appeared AND
- * 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications AND
- * Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving (Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation)
- Can you say YES to ALL 3 of the above mentioned conditions? If not, we need to reschedule your massage session. Please contact us as soon as possible to reschedule.
- While information is still limited about COVID-19, the CDC states that people with the following conditions are considered at a higher risk for complications from the virus. If you have one of these conditions, we HIGHLY recommend you post-pone your massage treatment for now. Due to the close contact involved in a massage therapy session, you may put yourself at risk.
- People 65 and older
- Chronic lung disease
- Moderate to severe asthma
- Heart conditions
- Compromised or suppressed immunity
- Severe obesity
- Diabetes
- Chronic kidney disease
- Liver disease
If for any reason, you are not comfortable adding massage therapy back to your wellness routine, we completely understand. We will be here to assist you when you feel safe and are ready to return to your massage sessions.
As always, I, and the MT team, are sending so much love and care to all of you and hoping you remain safe and healthy!
In Peace and Health,
Nikki Terry, LMBT
Owner/Licensed Massage Therapist
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