March 19, 2020

A Pause & New Virtual Service


Good morning, friends and clients! I hope you are fairing well during these turbulent times. It is certainly surreal, and unlike anything I have ever experienced in my lifetime. I am certain you are all feeling similarly. As I am sure you know, COVID-19 is a global pandemic and public health crisis that has caused much disruption in our daily lives. I have made the decision to close Mindful Touch for at least 2 weeks in order to help mitigate the spread of the virus. We are following the recommendations from Centers for Disease Control to practice social distancing, in order to slow the spread of the virus. We want to give our healthcare workers a fighting chance and slow the spread of the virus. In doing this, we hope to give them time to prepare for those who will need to seek hospital and intensive care services. We also believe strongly that we should participate in protecting the most vulnerable among us from this virus. If you have not received a call, text , or email from me regarding your upcoming appointment, please know that you will.

Social distancing presents a huge challenge to providing massage therapy services during a public health crisis. The CDC recommends keeping a 6 feet distance between people at this time, and as you know, massage therapy is something that can only be done via close contact. It got me thinking about the important role I, and the other therapists at Mindful Touch, play in your lives. It occurred to me that we are more than body workers, who move and manipulate your body. I believe that, oftentimes, we are acting as Stress Reduction & Pain Relief experts in your lives.

When you come in for a massage, we are not just “manipulating your soft tissue”. We are guiding your body and mind into a state of deep relaxation, and a greater state of awareness about how your body actually feels. We guide you and your body to let go of pain and tension. For many of my clients, this heightened awareness that is experienced on the massage table, has helped them to learn to listen to the messages their body is sending them and really hear them as warnings. One of my favorite quotes is “These pains you feel are messengers” by Rumi. When you feel pain or discomfort, your body is asking you to change something so that it can function optimally. Your massage therapist often acts a teacher, helping you hear, understand better, and act on these messages.

That being said, for the time that we are social distancing, I would like to be able to continue to offer you my skills and expertise in the areas of stress reduction and pain relief in a different form. If you are experiencing pain or stress...I can still help you virtually, using technology. I have a wealth of training and life experience in these areas. I can provide you with a thorough assessment of what your are feeling, and then offer an action plan so you can find relief. I can also help you with ideas and a plan to maintain some form of your self-care/wellness routine routine during this turbulent time. So many of our lives are turned upside down and we are facing unimaginable amounts of stress and uncertainty. Our self-care and wellness routines should not be thrown out the window right now. We should be leaning in to our wellness practices, but there may be a challenge to figuring how to do some things in a new way. Our self-care plans will have to be adapted to the current situation. I can help you think outside of the box, create a plan, and implement it.

Over the next couple days, I will be thinking of and trying my best to implement helpful solutions for folks who are experience pain, stress, or need help managing and maintaining a self care/wellness plan. I am not sure exactly how it will all look yet, but for now I am offering coaching sessions via Skype or Facebook Video Chat. At this time, I feel that $30 for a 20-30 minute session is appropriate, a fair exchange for all parties. Please text me at 828-204-9794 or reply to this email if you would like to set up an appointment.

Again, I feel it is imperative that Mindful Touch Massage behave by the standards of social distancing recommended by the CDC, in order to flatten the curve and help mitigate this public health crisis. My goal in providing this service, is to help you navigate a scary time, using specific skills and training I have, and to help ensure that Mindful Touch Massage can make a full recovery from lost income and begin to operate as normal, (providing you with amazing massages!) as soon as the threat recedes.

Be well, my friends and thank you for all your support!

In Peace & Health,

Nikki Terry, BA, LMBT

Mindful Touch Massage & Wellness


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